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5 Exercises You Can Do At Home

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5 Exercises You Can Do At Home

The key to staying healthy is to engage in a combination of eating right and forming the right exercise habits. This is particularly important since so many people today are overweight. There is a lot of reliance on gyms nowadays for weight loss. People hoping to drop a few pounds put all their faith in the gym and think that it is the path to instant success. For some people the weight comes off, for others it does not. The secret to successful weight loss doesn’t lie with the gym, it lies with the individual. For the people whose weight came off, it wasn’t because they had joined a gym – it was because they had the positive attitude that was needed to succeed.

Too many people are of the opinion that you need tons of fancy equipment in order to exercise. That without a gym membership you are limited to running and can do little more to get into shape. Yet the truth is that the home is full of opportunity for exercise, that our ability to train is limited only by the imagination, and that not having access to professional grade free weights and exercise equipment serves only as an excuse to not exercise. Once you have the right attitude you can get the sweat pumping in your own home and you will lose weight.

Exercising can help to reduce stress, sleep better, and stay healthy, whilst also enhancing your confidence.

Here are five workouts you can do while at home.

– Skipping

This is one that boxers always use to get in shape – but it can work for anyone. This exercise really gets your heart rate up, and when your heart is pumping hard you know you’re burning calories.

– Laundry lifts

Get your exercise in while you do your household chores. Simply lift your laundry basket above your head, hold, and then lower. Repeat this ten times. This is great for sculpting the upper arm problem area. If the basket is too heavy then adjust the amount of clothes you have in it.

– Walk while you work

Having a sink full of dishes or a stack of ironing to tackle doesn’t mean you can’t work out. March on the spot as you carry out your chores. Put on some music and stomp to the beat.

– Use the ad break to your advantage

We all like to relax and watch TV after a long, hard day, but you can use this time to exercise too. Every time there’s an ad break, get off the couch and do jumping jacks, push-ups or crunches until the show you were watching comes back on. These three-minute bursts of activity will give your metabolism a great boost.

– Chair pulls

If you have a swivel chair, you can easily work out while you sit at your desk. Sit in your chair at arm’s length from your desk. Pull yourself in towards the desk, and then push yourself away. Repeat this ten times for stronger arms.